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Starting a Real Estate Investment Trust: REIT Investing for Beginners

If we talk about investments, it is 100% sure that the topic of Real Estate will pop up. Real Estate is undeniably one of the best form of passive income investment that one can have. However, acquiring one is a difficult and expensive process.

Salary Earners, Where to Invest Your Hard Earned Money

Most of us Filipinos when it comes to income, we rely only to one source, and that is our salary. But when the pandemic hit, many of us lost this primary source.

In the Midst of Challenges, There Are Opportunities

As the government eases the restrictions of the quarantine and is slowly opening the economy to deal with the 'New Normal'. Many have emerged with something new in their sleeve, be it a new skill, knowledge, or an efficient routine.

COLFinancial Calculators Down… Again?

I've received messages to my FB and Twitter page from readers that the Calculators are down.
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