SMART Goal Planning for Your New Year's Resolution
   Updated: 2019-12-31T19:43:22Z
    minute read

As we welcome the new year, we also set our resolutions for the year. This somewhat became a tradition to set goals but is almost always never followed through.

SMART Goal Planning for Your New Years Resolution
"target-goal-success-dart-board" by TeroVesalainen is licensed under CC0

The problem lies in the goal setting process itself. We tend to consider only the end result and not taking into account the journey towards the goal. This is why when facing obstacles, we outright give up. Accomplishing nothing as the year ends and repeating the process as the new year rolls in.

In order for you to achieve your new year's resolutions. You need to implement the SMART Goal setting System.

What Is the SMART Model for Goals Setting?

SMART is an acronym for:

  • Specific - What results do you want to see in order to consider the goal accomplished?
  • Measurable - Can you evaluate the reults to check if the goal was accomplished or not?
  • Achievable - Is the goal attainable given the available resources, time, and knowledge?
  • Realistic/Relevant - Within reach and is relevant to your purpose?
  • Time-Based - You should set a specific timeframe for each goal. When do you want a specific goal to be completed or finished?

When setting up your goals for the year, make sure that each goal covers each category or stays in the realm of possibility.

Now for a Concrete Example:

We typically set a goal like this: "Next year, I will live a healthy lifestyle".

The above example only declares the end result, which will almost always fail. In order for the goal to have a sense of importance and urgency, we need to make it SMART.

Example: On January 4, I will obtain a gym membership at my community. In order to be healthy, I will work out four days a week. Every week, I will aim to lose one pound. By the end of March, I will have realized my goal if I lose at least ten pounds of fat over the course of three months.

Breaking It Down:

  • S - lose at least 10 pounds by the end of March
  • M - Will aim to lose 1 pound every week and a total of at least 10 pounds by the end of March
  • A - Resource (Gym near local community), Time (4 days a week), Knowledge (Gym classes / Gym Peers)
  • R - Healthy body
  • T - Start on Jan 4. End on last day of March

Setting up a good SMART goal takes some practice, it may be tedious at first because it involves a lot of thinking. However, it is not impossible, all you need to do is to grab a pen and paper and start writing it down.

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."


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  - Your Life In Perspective by Ælfræd "Elf Counsel"

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