TRAIN Law Income Tax Calculator Effective Until 2021
   Updated: 2022-01-11T05:19:33Z
    minute read

When the TRAIN law was made effective in 2018, I've created a calculator to help fellow Filipinos know their estimated tax under the new law. Fast forward 2020, the SSS and Philhealth also increased their premiums, which prompted me to create a new calculator reflecting those changes.

The calculator will be updated several times because Philhealth will increase their premium yearly until 2025. Read New PhilHealth Contribution Table Effective 2020 for more details. Also, the package 2 of TRAIN law that will take effect in 2023.

This will just calculate the estimated amount as there are many factors affecting one’s monthly salary. Though the new Personal Income Tax is much lower, a trade-off was also done to the other tax categories to compensate the changes.

Monthly Basic Pay

Monthly Deductions


Monthly Basic Salary Monthly Deductions Monthly Taxable Income

Annual Taxable Income Annual Personal Income Tax Estimated Monthly Income Tax Deduction

Sometimes, the Computations table will not update when entering new values. If it comes to this, refresh the page.




"Today, it takes more brains and effort to make out the income-tax form than it does to make the income.”
Alfred E. Neuman
- Your Life In Perspective by Ælf Ræd (Elf Counsel)
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