Cyberpreneurship Book Launch
   Updated: 2019-04-04T02:47:55Z
    minute read

We all have a dream of improving our lives, to buy all the things that we need or want and to be able to provide the needs of our family. We spend all our waking hours struggling to achieve this. This might have been an easy task if we took “reality” out of the picture. Obviously, the world we are living in is part of this reality. We really don't have any much choice but to adapt in order to survive.

Sadly, I am one of those who resisted change. I followed the mainstream idea that having a high paying job is the only way to be financially stable. Well, some things are to be learned the hard way I guess... Still, not veering away to that mainstream idea. I tried to increase my income by doing freelance work through Though it helped me increase my income, I was not able to maintain it because of time constraints involving my regular work. Looking back, I can say it was a blessing in disguise because it opened my eyes to other alternatives.

As I searched the internet for ideas that I can add to my Financial Knowledge Arsenal, I stumbled upon a new book titled “Cyberpreneurship”. I always wanted to create an online business, but diving into this foreign world is like suicide if not properly equipped. Without hesitation, I've attended the book launch and was able to get a copy. It was attended by the content contributors and to think that most of them met only in person that day. They shared their experiences of how they became Cyberpreneurs and gave us tips on how to be successful and stay successful. As I listened to their stories, I can say that most of them were already successful during their corporate careers - an engineer, a registered nurse, an IT, a bank acting VP, but they took the challenge of walking the path that is less traveled by many. Fortune favors the bold as the saying goes. The Q and A session was also an engaging activity. Though I was not able to get a chance to be heard, my question was still answered indirectly. The occasion ended with picture taking and book signing.

I've learned so much during that occasion and more when I finished reading the book. The book's content is catered for beginners and is easy to follow. I thank the creators of this book because they've given hope to aspiring entrepreneurs, and ordinary employees to build a business that has a wide market but with a low-cost start-up capital compare to traditional business models.

As what they repeatedly told us during the launch: “You don't need to learn everything at first try, just start. If you are really passionate about it, you will just learn things as you go along.”


The book was launched on October 25, 2015 at Fully Booked, Bonifacio Global, Taguig City, Philippines. It was priced Php 395 during the launch. For more information, please visit:

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