What Happens to Your Stock Investments When You Die
   Updated: 2021-11-01T15:00:15Z
    minute read

The goal of many of us when we start investing in the Stock Market (or any form of investments for that matter) is to increase our wealth, which in turn can help ourselves, our family, and others lives to improve. However, some have created investment accounts as a secret (for the intention of surprising their loved ones).

The Uncomfortable Side of Death: Finances
"burial-cemetery-countryside-cross" by Mike is licensed under CC0

And the unexpected happened, your deadline suddenly came up and instead of you surprising them… It is your loved ones who were surprised.

If you were not able to tell them that you have some active investments, then they will just go on with their lives not knowing that you left them with some wealth. And after some time, the investment institution will take action, usually by giving the authority over your investments to the government.

So it is important to let them know about your active investments, for them to take proper action. Ideally, if you are given the clairvoyance about your deadline, then it is much better to process the redemption or transfers of the investments.

What Will Be the Process Just in Case of a Sudden Demise of the Investment Owner?

Let us take for example Stock Investments, I've inquired about this topic recently and this is their reply:

What will Be the process Just in Case of a Sudden Demise of the Investment Owner?

If you already asked this question, then you already know who is the stock broker. The process is the same for other brokers.

The important thing here to remember aside from completing the necessary requirements is the payment of the estate tax. Refer to BIR's website for the computation of the payment.

Other form of investments (except for Life Insurance where there is a set beneficiary) work the same way.

Everyone dies eventually, whether we have power or not. That’s why we need to think about what we’ll accomplish while we’re alive.


"Long term thinking and planning enhances short term decision making. Make sure you have a plan of your life in your hand, and that includes the financial plan and your mission.”
Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

- Your Life In Perspective by Ælf Ræd (Elf Counsel)

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