Top 5 Amazing Blog Posts of 2020
   Updated: 2021-12-16T15:27:07Z
    minute read


As we welcome the new year, let’s take a look at the most read articles that was published here on Your Life In Perspective. Before I present this year’s Top 5 list, let me first thank you for the continuous support that you give to me and this blog.

        Top 5 Blog Posts of 2018

"Man with Fireworks" by Rakicevic Nenad is licensed under CC BY

Amazing Blog 5 with more than 1,000 views


The Social Security System (SSS) Old vs New Contribution Table


Effective January 2021, the monthly SSS contribution will be increased… again. One of the reasons for this increase is to extend the fund life until the year 2045. But this will not be the only time that SSS will increase its rate. There will be a 1% increase until the year 2025. If you are asking why this is done, it is because of the pension hikes that was implemented.



Amazing Blog 4 with more than 2,000 views


PhilHealth Contribution Calculator


Aside from SSS, PhilHealth is also increasing its monthly contribution. As of 2020, we are at 3%. 2021 will be 3.50%, 2022 will be 4%, 2023 will be 4.50%, and 2024-2025 will be at 5%. If you ask why? This is because of the Universal Health Care law that gives members and non philhealth members alike, avail the outpatient packages (the provisions are currently being finalized) and immediate eligibility to benefits during confinement/hospitalization.



Amazing Blog 3 with more than 3,000 views


BDO Nomura Buy and Sell Calculator


In the spirit of fairness, I need to take into account other stock market platforms also. That is why I made this calculator. To all users of this calculator, if there are any changes with the fees. Let me know so that I can update. It would also help, if you include the fees itself when you comment.


I've also been planning to create similar calculators for other platforms. However, since I don't have an account, I can't access their fees table. So I request other platform users to comment the buying and selling fees below.



Amazing Blog 2 with more than 5,000 views


COL Financial Buy and Sell Calculator


To play the Stock Market game, you need to be fully aware of your entry and exit prices. Meaning, if the market goes up, you already know what your target profit is. If it goes down, you already know amount you can let go. Remember always the mantras "Buy Low Sell High" and "Buy High Sell Higher".



Amazing Blog 1 with more than 35,000 views


COL Financial Average Down Calculator


Ever since I've created this calculator in 2018, it hasn't left the number 1 spot. This is the article's third year of being the most viewed and used calculator.


Trading and Investing in stocks only mean one thing, you will be dealing with numbers all the time. It is difficult to determine if a stock that you are planning to buy is a good deal or not. Especially, if you already have that particular stock in your portfolio. So how do go about it? The answer is to do take advantage of AVERAGING UP or DOWN the price.



I thank all the readers for their support and dedication. If you find the content of this blog useful, don't forget to share and spread the word to others.



A Little Request from the Author

I've been working on this blog for the past 5 years. As you all know, there are expenses involve to keep this site up and running.

Due to these circumstances, I am asking for your support to give a small gift of Php15.00 (GCASH #: 639185591278) to the team behind of Your Life In Perspective.

Because of your help, we will be able to focus more on content research and creation due to your support taking care of the site's operational expenses like domain name, platform, and certificate expenses.

Aside from your support, may I also request to disable your adblocking software when visiting Your Life In Perspective. This is to allow the site to display Ads and earn revenue, which is then to be rewarded to the team maintaining this blog.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding.

Have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year Everyone!





"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals."
Melody Beattie
- Your Life In Perspective by ÆlfRæd (Elf Counsel)
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