Top 5 Amazing Blog Posts of 2021
   Updated: 2021-12-17T02:43:25Z
    minute read


I was planning to publish this article around the last week of December. However, given that the rankings will not change significantly. I just decided to publish this piece today.


Top 5 Amazing Blog Posts of 2021
"photo-of-fireworks" by Anna-Louise is licensed under CC0


Before I present this year’s Top 5 articles, let me thank you first for your continuous support of this blog.


A Little Request from the Author

I've been working on this blog for the past six (6) years. As you all know, there are expenses involved to keep this site running.

Due to these circumstances, I am asking for your support to give a small gift of Php15.00 (GCASH #: 639185591278) to the one behind Your Life in Perspective.

Because of your help, I can focus more on content research and creation due to your support in taking care of the site's operational expenses like domain name, platform, and certificate expenses.

Aside from your support, may I also request to disable your adblocking software when visiting this blog. Doing this will allow the site to display Ads and earn a little revenue, which I will give to the one maintaining the site.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding.

    5. PhilHealth Contribution Calculator for 2021



    As for the year 2021, the premium rate for PhilHealth is 3.50%. Coming 2022, this will increase by another 0.50%, making the premium rate 4%.


    4. BDO Nomura Average Down Calculator



    If you are averaging down your stock position and want to know your new average price, you can use this PSE calculator tool catered for this particular platform.



    3. COL Financial Buy and Sell Calculator



    If you want to know how much profit you can rake once you sell your position. You can use this tool. This Stock Profit or Loss Calculator gives you an exact number of your selling price.



    2. BDO Nomura Buy and Sell Calculator



    The same tool as above but for a different platform.



    1. COL Financial Average Down Calculator



    Stock average down is the name of the game if you trust the company's fundamentals and go for the long term. Ever since I've created this stock average calculator in 2018, it has become the most accessed article on this blog.




    Closing Thoughts


    I thank all the readers for their support and dedication. If you find the content of this blog helpful, don't forget to share and spread the word to other readers out there.






    "New year is the glittering light to brighten the dream-lined pathway of future."
    Munia Khan
    - The Introvert's Perspective by ÆlfRæd (Elf Counsel)
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