Social Security System (SSS) Contribution Calculator for Employers and Employees 2023-2024 Philippines
   Updated: 2023-01-09T06:16:55Z
    minute read


Effective January 2023 until 2024 the employee SSS contribution will increase. The lowest contribution amount will be Php180 (previously Php135) and the ceiling contribution remains at Php900.


Social Security System (SSS) Contribution Calculator for Employers and Employees 2023-2024 Philippines
"man-sitting-on-wooden-bench-wearing-black-leather-jacket" by Huy Phan is licensed under CC0


The lowest contribution rate is Php180, an increase of Php45 from the previous rate of Php135.

Aside from the main monthly contribution, employees whose basic monthly salary is Php20,250 and above are eligible for the Workers' Investment and Savings Program (WISP).

The WISP monthly contribution was also increased, the ceiling contribution is now Php450 while the lowest contribution is Php22.50. Comparing it to the previous year's ceiling contribution of Php225, the amount actually doubled (100% increase).

Social Security System (SSS) Contribution Calculator for Employers and Employees 2023-2024 Philippines

Instruction: Do not add a comma when inputting values. For example, you need to enter 18000 instead of 18,000 to calculate the values correctly.

Monthly Salary Credit
Monthly Employee Contribution
Monthly Employee WISP Contribution
TOTAL SSS Monthly Contribution




Closing Thoughts


Refer to the previous year’s calculator Social Security System (SSS) Employee Contribution Calculator from 2021 to 2022 for comparison.




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